by tracy danes
the interior shadow
extrudes itself / the
interior shadow turns
itself inside out / the
interior shadow dom-
inates the containing
body / the interior
shadow harbors no
ill will / the process
is an affirmation
the membrane tightens
a network of pliable knives
and forked lexicon
when they—unfortunate
protrusion of their
shadow—move between
they are not one
with their body
they are not one
with their mind
as an entity whose
meaning is continually
they stand in the
envelope / filter out
undesirable frequencies
unclench jaw
let slip the memory
: gilded contour
of the infinite stretch
of unmoments
the membrane tightens
knives flex neath dermis
abdicating nothing

tracy danes is a writer and/or spreadsheet whose interests lie along the faults of words like "abstract, speculative, queer, playful existentialism," and whose thoughts are always dissolving. Find them dreaming of a genderless utopia.