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about us

Moot Point magazine is a literary journal that publishes fiction and poetry and maybe some other kinds of stuff soon. We publish new pieces Saturday to Wednesday.

We like writing where the seemingly inconsequential, dust-accumulating moments of life become magnified and catch fire.


We like for the writing industry to be wide open: no secrets here. That means posting lists about residencies, workshops, and other magazines that have calls for submissions that differ from our own. More on that soon!


We have fun here. We want good writing to be accessible to all. We can’t wait to read your stuff!


Warmth <3


Poetry & Hybrid


Our poetry editor is especially looking for dark, strange, visceral work and is open to hybrid, avant-garde natures, dangerous line breaks, and work queer in nature and form. Sultry and haunting, floral yet feral, kinky and historical, horror, speculative, narrative—all poems in all their shapes will be excitedly considered.

We want the weird ladies. The backroom secrets of magical realism madams, forms and narrative that defy gender. We crave provocative, boundary-breaking content and strange, portentous speculative narratives. One must ask: where is the ghost erotica?  Submit to us.  It's (almost) never too weird. 

We love it.

  • only submit 1-3 poems at a time—any more will not be considered.

  • sim-subs are welcome, just please withdraw if accepted elsewhere

  • ​if your piece isn't right for us, please wait 2 months before submitting again

  • if your piece is accepted, please do not submit for 6 months

  • author maintains all rights; we only ask for the right to publish & promote


Vintage Prompts


As you might have noticed, our site might look a little dated. That is because we are heavily inspired by a nostalgia of first discovering the joy of archives. While searching for images for the site, we've found a plethora of incredible images that we want to resurface. We will be sharing a new image each week and challenge you to write something (under 1000 words) inspired by said image. You can submit those to our submittable (open at all times for this section), and we will publish one (or a handful) of pieces about each illustration. If you are just finding this now, you can pick any image, just be sure to use the title of the image so we know which you are responding to. 

  • up to 1000 words

  • any genre

  • make sure to properly identify the image prompt

  • sim-subs are welcome, just please withdraw if accepted elsewhere

  • if your piece is accepted, please do not submit for 6 months

  • author maintains all rights, we only ask for the right to publish & promote


Submission Guidelines

Inspired by some of our favorite magazines, Moot Point was founded because we think six-month responses are kinda ridiculous. We will be open at regular intervals (biweekly for fiction, monthly for poetry & hybrid) for capped, free submissions, with a guaranteed response by the following call for submissions. That means all fiction submissions will be replied to within fourteen days and a month for poetry (usually sooner.) All of our submissions will go through our Submittable, here.

If you are impatient, or want to support us financially, we will be open at all times for $4 submissions with a guaranteed 48-hour response. 

Moot Point also reserve the right to revoke or remove publication for any reason, not limited to harassment of our editorial staff, bigotry, racism, homophobia, transphobia, etc.


For fiction, we like simple and surreal. 


  • up to 3,000 words

  • you can submit up to 3 pieces if they are ~1,000 words (or less) each

  • sim-subs are welcome, just please withdraw if accepted elsewhere

  • if your piece isn't right for us, please wait 2 months before submitting again

  • if your piece is accepted, please do not submit for 6 months

  • author maintains all rights, we only ask for the right to publish & promote




Moot Point is a new and growing literary space created by and for those who first found their love for writing while searching through dusty archives. We are actively looking for readers and volunteers, with a very open mind about positions. Please reach out to if you are interested in joining our team as a reader, contributing editor, staff writer, or have other skills you want to pitch.

Ashton Carlile - editor

Ashton Carlile is a writer from Cocoa Beach, FL. Her fiction can be found in Joyland, Catapult, Hobart, and other places.

Alexandria Juarez - editor

Alexandria Juarez is a Chicana lesbian writer, editor, and pop culture enthusiast from Southern California. A graduate of the BFA Writing Program at Pratt Institute, they have work in Electric Literature, Catapult, Autostraddle, The Offing, and more. They are a Tin House Winter Workshop and Kenyon Review Workshop alum, and the Runner-up of the 2022 Indiana Review Fiction Prize.

Leia K. Bradley - poetry editor

Leia K. Bradley (she/they) is a Southern born, Brooklyn based writer and lesbian performance artist, as well as an MFA Poetry candidate at Columbia University. She has work in Poetry Project, Aurore, Wrongdoing Magazine, Tarot Literary, Versification, and more, with her poem "Settle(d)" just chosen as the Editor's Choice Best Overall pick for Penumbra Magazine's 2022 Pride issue.  She can be found dancing through candlelit speakeasies or climbing barefoot up a magnolia tree with a tattered copy of Stone Butch Blues tucked into her dress. After climbing out from the coffin of her first divorce, she is accepting love and lust letters through her twitter @LeiaKBradley.

Megan Paris - digital editor

Megan Paris (she/they) is a lesbian, writer, and gardener based out of Brooklyn, NY. She is previously published in Lesbians Are Miracles Mag, and Bear Creek Gazette. She can also be found at @megg_paris on Twitter.

Swati Sudarsan- assistant editor

Swati Sudarsan is based in Oakland, CA (Ohlone Land). Swati has received support from Tin House, Kenyon Review, Kweli Journal, and Martha's Vineyard Institute of Creative Writing. She was the runner-up of the 2022 So to Speak Contest Issue, and has work in McSweeney's, The Adroit Journal, Maudlin House and more.


                 Emma Charlton, Kasey Furutani, Bobbi Rose

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